by Essmart | Jan 13, 2022 | Blog, Featured News
One Acre Fund and Essmart are joining forces to increase access to essential agricultural products for rural farmers in North India. After One Acre Fund successfully incubated a direct service pilot in Bihar state for the last three years, Essmart is absorbing One...
by Essmart | Sep 18, 2018 | Blog, Featured News
Essmart, a last-mile distribution company for socially impactful goods in India, has closed US$1.2M in financing. The round was a mix of equity, debt, and grant funding from elea Foundation for Ethics in Globalization, Partners Group Impact (Verein), DEG – Deutsche...
by Essmart | Jan 28, 2014 | Blog, Featured News
Forgive us for taking so long to update this blog! Our last update was in early July, which was almost 6 months ago. A lot has been happening at Essmart to keep us away from our computers, and given that we don’t have anyone to focus on our blog. We know that’s no...
by Essmart | Jul 3, 2013 | Blog, Featured News
On July 1, Essmart officially gained a new member into our family. Friends, meet Prashanth, who will be leading Essmart’s operations in India. You may have heard of Prashanth before, as he’s been with us from Essmart’s beginnings. However, we finally have the...
by Essmart | Apr 12, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions, Featured News
Together now: “Hi, Rob!” Awesome news! Essmart was just announced as one of the 10 Harvard i-Lab President’s Challenge finalists! Evidently, there were about 170 teams that entered the competition, so this is a pretty big deal for us. Thanks, Harvard...
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