by diana | Apr 11, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
Paul Polak’s team retweeted our MIT IDEAS Global Challenge profile! You should definitely check us out and vote for us, too. 🙂 Vote for us in the MIT IDEAS Global Challenge: 1. Register to vote! 2. Vote and follow Essmart!
by diana | Apr 6, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions, Thoughts and Ideas
Today Jackie and I found out that one way to answer yesterday’s question is to, well, redefine the problem. We had the opportunity to meet with Sorin Grama, Co-Founder of Promethean Power and Greentown Labs. He was very helpful – and patient with us, too – as we...
by diana | Apr 5, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
We had slight difficulty.
by diana | Apr 5, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
We came, we presented, we fielded questions, but unfortunately, we didn’t leave with any money. Bummer. But I do think that the entire experience gave our team a lot to think about. Thanks, Tufts, for organizing the event!
by Essmart | Mar 28, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
Jaya Movva and Jackie Stenson of Essmart are preparing for the Tufts $100K Social Business Plan Competition. Come support us! Wednesday, April 4, 2012 4-6pm Tufts Alumnae Lounge Awards ceremony and reception to follow.
by diana | Feb 29, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
On Sunday, Jackie pitched Essmart at the Harvard Social Enterprise Conference. We were finalists and had the opportunity to pitch in front of a 1,000+ person audience! It was quite the thrill, and we took home the Audience Choice award. Knowing that the audience...
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