by diana | Jun 12, 2012 | Blog, Competitions
Whew, what a busy past few days. Jackie and I gave our pitches to the Dell Social Innovation Challenge judges yesterday, and we will find out the results in a few hours. We are up for a $50,000 grand prize. We will update soon, but do wish us the best!
by jackie | May 9, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Featured
As part of the President’s Challenge introductory meeting, we had a mini team photo shoot. Check out how our photos progressed below. All credit goes to Rose Lincoln, Harvard Staff Photographer for taking the photos! We had so much fun with this that we’ll...
by jackie | May 7, 2012 | Blog, Competitions
Photos from the poster judging session and the awards, when we took home one of the top prizes! Thank to our judges for asking excellent questions and providing great feedback.
by diana | May 4, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
Amazing news, friends! Essmart wins its largest check to date – $10k in the MIT IDEAS Global Challenge! This is hugely encouraging to us, as we’ve come close to winning competitions but fall just short of the monetary prize. We’re entirely thankful...
by diana | May 2, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
The past week or so has been quite busy for the Essmart team. We made it to the HBS Social Venture finals and had the opportunity to give a five-minute pitch in front of a great audience. Unfortunately, we didn’t take home a prize. One of our semifinal round...
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