by Essmart | May 8, 2013 | Blog, Featured
We’re excited to launch our first crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo!  We’ve been excited about how our model has been working in Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, and we’re ready to take on the challenge of scaling to a new, nearby region. Our crowd funding...
by jackie | Apr 16, 2013 | Blog, Thoughts and Ideas
We’ve recently been setting up a new accounting software – Xero. As we’ve gone through this process, we’ve received a fair amount of push back in India. People are used to using a software called Tally, and we’ve had to justify why we...
by jackie | Mar 28, 2013 | Blog, Field Notes
Yesterday, we took everyone based in our Pollachi office out to lunch at nice place outside of Pollachi. This was our first retreat for our sales executives. It was mostly a chance to get everyone together, to treat our employees to a nice meal, and to say...
by jackie | Feb 23, 2013 | Blog, Thoughts and Ideas
While reading a Jalopnik article reflecting on the Indian car market, it struck me that the Indian car market is really not that different from the market for essential technologies. The author, Jason Torchinsky, a car blogger and first-time visitor to India, hit on a...
by Essmart | Jan 12, 2013 | Blog, Field Notes, Thoughts and Ideas
You can’t completely understand the problem until you learn about it from the people who know it best. This has been a personal philosophy that has grown stronger over the past couple of years. It’s been reinforced even more this winter. I’m Jen, and I’ve been working...
by Essmart | Dec 29, 2012 | Blog, State of Essmart
As we approach the end of 2012, we’ve taken some time to reflect on this past year. It has truly been a whirlwind. At this time last year, Diana was preparing to travel to India for our first pilot. We had a grand vision, a ridiculous amount of passion, some research...
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