by Essmart | Apr 2, 2012 | Blog, Thoughts and Ideas
Daniel Schnitzer describes the problem that we’re trying to address with Essmart. Inventing is the easy part. The hard part is technology dissemination – getting your product to people who can benefit from it the most. [youtube_sc url=4C-LY9Qlr_0]
by Essmart | Mar 28, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
Jaya Movva and Jackie Stenson of Essmart are preparing for the Tufts $100K Social Business Plan Competition. Come support us! Wednesday, April 4, 2012 4-6pm Tufts Alumnae Lounge Awards ceremony and reception to follow.
by diana | Mar 12, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge
As Legatum IAP Seed Grant winners, we had the opportunity to present a poster following one of the Legatum lectures! We made a few interesting contacts – particularly with a Danish man who is interested in innovations. Interesting, the types of people you meet...
by diana | Feb 29, 2012 | Blog, Cambridge, Competitions
On Sunday, Jackie pitched Essmart at the Harvard Social Enterprise Conference. We were finalists and had the opportunity to pitch in front of a 1,000+ person audience! It was quite the thrill, and we took home the Audience Choice award. Knowing that the audience...
by diana | Feb 7, 2012 | Blog, Jan '12 India Trip, Thoughts and Ideas
Shortly after reaching Chennai’s main railway station, I grabbed a pre-paid auto rickshaw to IIT Madras. I had a meeting with Ashutosh Sinha from Villgro Stores. The meeting turned out to be quite thought-provoking. For example, Ashutosh brought up that when you think...
by diana | Feb 7, 2012 | Blog, Jan '12 India Trip
The important Essmart-related meeting of the day was with Logistimo. Logistimo develops mobile phone applications to assist with supply chain management and logistics. They specialize in rural distribution, which is what Essmart is interested in. We were introduced to...
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