Happy New Year! Updates on Essmart’s Progress

Happy New Year! Updates on Essmart’s Progress

Forgive us for taking so long to update this blog! Our last update was in early July, which was almost 6 months ago. A lot has been happening at Essmart to keep us away from our computers, and given that we don’t have anyone to focus on our blog. We know that’s no...
Help us open our second hub!

Help us open our second hub!

We’re excited to launch our first crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo!  We’ve been excited about how our model has been working in Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, and we’re ready to take on the challenge of scaling to a new, nearby region. Our crowd funding...
A reflection on 2012

A reflection on 2012

As we approach the end of 2012, we’ve taken some time to reflect on this past year. It has truly been a whirlwind. At this time last year, Diana was preparing to travel to India for our first pilot. We had a grand vision, a ridiculous amount of passion, some research...