Building the Essmart brand

Building the Essmart brand

As a multi-brand distributor, part of our business is to promote the brands of each supplier and product in our catalogue. In doing so, we are also creating Essmart’s brand name: we stamp the products in our catalogue with Essmart’s seal of approval so...

Road Safety and Essmart

Friends, we have some unfortunate news to share. Last week, Essmart experienced its first tragedy. Suresh, a Sales Executive working at our Vellore Distribution Center, passed away in a motorbike accident during his vacation to Chennai. Suresh had started working with...
Intern Experiences with Essmart: Claire Patterson

Intern Experiences with Essmart: Claire Patterson

Hello Essmart Followers! I am Claire Patterson, a rising MIT junior studying mechanical engineering, and I am currently working as a MISTI India summer intern for Essmart. I arrived in Bangalore six weeks ago and hit the ground running from there. In my short time...